November 12, 2017

ENFiD BOD Update

ENFiD prides itself of having award-winning officers and members. This year, Gene Alcantara of ENFiD- UK bagged the British Community Honours Award and Pia Abucay of ENFiD- Italy was Special Media FEDERFIL Europe OFW 2017 Awardee. Mae Cayir of ENFiD-Austria   and Pia Abucay are this year’s nominees and Leonor Vintervoll of ENFiD-Norway, as awardee of FWN’s Influential Filipina Award. Congratulations! In our next issue, we will feature the women awardees from Europe.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) – this is true for the Board of Directors (BoD) of ENFiD who are mostly leaders recognised for their contributions in the Filipino community in Europe and the host country. We’d like to acknowledge and thank our out-going BoD and welcome the new ones.

Gene Alcantara is one of the pillars of ENFiD,  who served as Chair from 2012 to 2016 and later as head of the Membership Committee. He was recently the recipient of the British Community Honours Awards, for having devoted part of his life in inclusion of minorities like the Filipinos in British society while keeping their cultural heritage. As special article about him would not suffice when one looks at his contributions both for ENFiD and beyond. A whole newsletter issue would not even be enough!

Marison Rodriguez, has been with ENFiD from the very beginning and served the BOD as Secretary then Vice Chair. She had been ENFiD IT director for years and was instrumental in setting up the ENFiD website. She is active in ENFiD and the continuous existence of the Filipino community in the Czech Republic. Although her term with the BOD will end soon, we all hope she will continue her involvement with ENFiD especially for the website.

Ric Gacayan’s stint with the BoD might be short having joined it only since January 2017, but his contribution in the discussions in policies and rules are valuable where ENFiD can draw lessons from. He is also brilliant in creating posters and teasers for various ENFiD activities. Although he stops as a BoD, he is one of the core forces behind the ENFiD Sports Programme which was also launched in Essen.

Nadeen Shaw, helped ENFiD in its obligatory reports to the Commission on Voluntary Organisations in Malta where ENFiD is registered. She decided to help her husband establish their new business in Malta.

Vanda Brady is the indefatigable pillar in ENFiD- Ireland and our PR/Communication director who’d been doing wonders while collaborating with the Philippine Consulate in Dublin in various outreach projects. Her new job in combination with the care for her two young kids and community involvements in Ireland, make it difficult for Vanda to continue as a Board Director. Vanda’s work as work as editor-in-chief helped establish News&Views.

We will miss Gene, Marison, Ric, Vanda and Nadeen at the BoD but we are assured that they will remain ENFiD leaders in other capacities. We welcome the new BoD members: Christian, Marru, Ana, Grace and Michelle who will strengthen the remaining BoD-Leonor, Renee, Dennis, Betsy, Oggie, Jing, Diane and Cheryl. We look forward to dynamic and inspiring years ahead with them.