December 30, 2020 Leadership in Diaspora

Leadership in Diaspora

Leading effectively with Emotional Intelligence

ENFiD Conference Statement 2019

Leadership in Filipino diaspora communities is more than a reflection of the skills and knowledge learned from our country of origin. The diaspora identity has transcend the essentialist notion of identity. A new form of identity has been reproduced by the interaction of our Filipino identity with the culture of our new adopted country.

The complex process of adaption of another culture involves the interaction of variables such as personality, skills and emotional intelligence (EI). The right combination of these variables is important in a successful outcome of one’s life in a foreign country.

We have learned that people with high EI are more successful in their profession, have strong mental health and effective leadership skills. Emotional Intelligence is the capability to recognise how one’s own emotion drive their own and others’ behaviour.  This is a learned ability to perceive, understand and express our feelings accurately and to control our emotions so that they work for us, not against us.

Emotional intelligence in diaspora leaders is important to develop because of their distinctive position as Leaders leading organisations based on altruism and good faith.  Nurturing leadership skills  is about increasing the numbers of successful individuals from diasporic community. Successful in their pursuit of personal and/or professional development.

With developed skills and wider network, ENFiD leaders and members are more valuable in their work, organisations and communities.  They become natural interpreters between two or more cultures, they bring with them multiple skills and unique experiences that create an added value to the success of an organisation and eventually a country.

ENFiD is in a unique position in the development of effective future leaders of Europe.  We aim to continue to have a vibrant community, working together in unity, sharing the same objectives and common goals.  An organisation served by leaders who continue to inspire others, who are accountable of their actions and who have higher level of emotional intelligence.

As ENFiD moves forward to another year, the leadership team have identified areas where ENFiD as an organisation has to focus in order to live by its vision and mission. These are:

  1. Continue to be relevant to the Filipino diaspora communities in Europe.
  2. Giving back to the Philippines and focusing on projects that continue to benefit its members and the Filipinos in Europe

ENFiD leaders lead with an impact.