November 19, 2017 Neues aus Wien- ENFiD-Austria/YENFiD-Austria Established!

Neues aus Wien- ENFiD-Austria/YENFiD-Austria Established!

ENFiD-Austria/YENFiD-Austria Established!

15 October 2017 marked the formal establishment of ENFiD-Austria/YENFiD-Austria. A core group of eight Vienna-based Filipinos unanimously agreed to be the founding members, pledging to do their best, to ensure that ENFiD/YENFiD Austria becomes an active national Affiliate of ENFiD. Ms Marison Rodriguez, ENFiD Vice Chair, acted as the Inducting Officer, administering the Oath of Office in a simple ceremony.

SET OF OFFICERS, 2017-2018


Chair/ENFiD Country Representative: Maria Zelda “Marizel” Magistrado ROJAS
Vice Chair: Cecilia “Cecile” Orola CECH
Secretary: Minda PEPITO 
Treasurer: Dorcas “Dorcie” Navarette AIGNER
Auditor; Ana Maria “Minnie” LANGER
Communications and Press Relations Officer: Mae CAYIR


President: Sarah Jozelle Magistrado ROJAS
Treasurer: Bryna Marie Liao DECENA
Discussions on the way forward took place, whereby activities and events for 2017-2018 were identified. Among these were first and foremost, strengthening-from-within as well as collaboration with other country affiliates to learn about best practices with respect to ENFiD’s vision, mission and programmes and activities.
Stay tuned for more updates. BLEIB DRAN!
Marizel Rojas